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A friend in Need

Friend InDeed

How far will you go to protect a friend in trouble? Would you risk your safety and that of your young child to hide a hidden horrific truth? Friendships are fragile and Jo is about to decide if what will happen in the immediate evening will strengthen her friendship with Dana or is she being used to covering up what Dana has done? Jo needed help at a crucial and difficult time and Dana provided the job, home and financial help Jo needed when her husband took all of her money, left her homeless and no place to go. Dana was a true friend and now Jo would decide how far that friendship would go. A friend indeed is defined as a true friend who supports you and always helps you. Dana calls Jo just after midnight and says she has to drive over on the spot. Imagine Jo’s face when she enters Dana’s house and sees Stan’s body sprawled on the floor covered in blood. Without revealed the method I can reveal that Dana did kill him claiming he struck her and has been abusing her. But why not claim self defense and call the police? Irate and arrogant or just plain feeling scared or justified, Dana refuses to fall for help and what they both do might destroy their children and friendship forever.

Then the situation gets dire when attending a game that Dana’s son is playing in. Lives are about to change, and the police are looking into Stan’s death, but Jo was speeding ran a stop sign and Alma Reyes is hit and the end result will alter lives if the police find out or can put it all together. Plus, Jo learns about Dana’s affair with Ryan and realizes his link to the hit and run. Added Owen , Dana’s son is pulled in for drugs found in his locker and his mother nowhere to be found. The police are in top of both cases and the questions are hot and heavy plus the connection is about to be made and if they find Stan’s body link it to Dana and worse Ryan and drugs and more their lives might be one big jail cell.

Realizations come to light as Jo realizes Dana’s lies and deceptions about the truth behind how Stan died and the blackmail scheme that somehow got her caught up in. Dana did not deserve her help dumping Stan and she lied about how he died. She played her even causing the bruises in her own face as they go to they site where the blackmailers wanted the money dropped and she reflects on the past when Dana lost control of her car and why forgive her? Then things escalate when the police show up again and questions about the weapon come to light and Dana has to give them his daily planner, her knives used in creating her floral displays and will they see through the lies? Plus, the neighbor and his son Emmett , her son Owen glad that his father is dead and the man that might have caused the argument between her and Stan, Ryan selling drugs to her son and his friends. The drug is called Spice and has been marketed as herbal incense or herbal smoking blends sold under the names like K2, spice and synthetic marijuana often said not for human consumption so how is it that it was sold? Spice is more dangerous and sold as a recreational drug but imitates the effects of cannabis but more dangerous because due to its potency and the way it exerts its effects on both the body and brain.

Ryan refuses to stay away from Dana and you thinks will get more intense and will she fight back and what about the police?

Harsh realities come to light, as Owen is suspended and grounded with the kids in his school saying he is gay and killed his father. Lives change and a long-term friendship gone so what Jo does to protect someone will make you wonder just why? Chapters 47-50 unlocks a dark truth, and two brothers face an unexpected twist that will leave one disabled but what about the other? Who killed Stan? Who was arrested for his murder? Which mother sacrificed it all? Who was the real blackmailer and where does Dana wind up and as you read the final chapter who if anyone wins? Hear the words of Detective Shergold as she relates how the killer is arrested and found? Watch how Ryan is taken for murder and where Jo winds up in the end. Who’s guilty, who is innocent how would you define the term: a friend indeed?

The author takes down many roads and allows readers to question their own character traits, their own morality and scruples as we take the journey along with Jo and Dana and decide if justice was done, did Stan deserve to die and how many paid the price.

Fran Lewis just reviews

About Just Reviews by:gabina49:

author educator book reviewer for authors reading and writing staff developer Book reviewer for manic readers, ijustfinished.com book pleasures and authors upon request blog tours on my blog and interviews with authors I am the author of five published books. I wrote three children's books in my Bertha Series and Two on Alzheimer's. Radio show talk host on Red River Radio/Blog Talk Radio Book Discussion with Fran Lewis the third Wed. of every month at one eastern. I interview 2 authors each month feature their latest releases. I review books for authors upon request and my latest book Sharp As A Tack or Scrambled Eggs Which Describes Your Brain? Is an E book, Kindle and on Xlibris.com Some of the proceeds from this last book will go to fund research in the area of Brain Traumatic Injury in memory of my sister Marcia who died in July.


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