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The Murders at Astaire Castle



Author: Lauren Carr


 Gnarly, Mac and David are in hot pursuit culprits behind the murders at the Astaire Castle. Learning about this castle, never realizing that he owns it, Mac Faraday once again becomes embroiled in more than one murder, suicide and strange disappearances. One housekeeper approaches this huge and magnificent castle with one goal in mind: to clean it. Entering the dark and cold halls she never expects to encounter something that would shake not only her to the core but others too. When Mac learns more about the disappearances, the murders and the ghost sightings he is determined, much to his half-brother’s chagrin, to investigate on his own. Discussions get heated, his security detail in tact and he ventures there with his trusty sidekick Gnarly, David, Hector and hopes to uncover the secrets behind the castle’s walls.


But, first never forget who our primary detective really is! You guessed it everyone’s favorite German shepherd, Gnarly who finds a lost woman who has Alzheimer’s when no one else can. Following this incident we learn more about the Spencer Inn, meet the chef whose sense of humor and cooking might frighten even Mac and find out more about the deaths of so many within the closed and cold walls of Astaire Castle.


Entering the Castle you can feel the chill, dank air and the use of their flashlights can illuminate just so much. What they find is quite unexpected but will clarify just what happened to one best selling Horror Author and possibly the murders of the two people that owned the castle before Mac did.  Who killed Damien Wagner and his daughter? What about his editor Raymond Hollister who inherited it all? Billions can be made and if his final novel is found his wealth will far surpass his own expectations.


Enter Stan Gould who wants to buy the castle for his new trophy wife. What happens between him and Mac is priceless as they square off; exchange harsh words and the end result are verbal threats on both sides. But, Gould is powerful and does not take lightly to being told NO! Just what is does remains to be seen and will it hurt the Spencer Inn?

Riley Adams is the man suspected of the murders even though he spent years living as if he was a werewolf or as he is called “The Wolfman.” But, the police chief has secrets he would not like revealed as Riley’s sister Chelsea makes her way into town and the encounter although awkward, humorous and uncomfortable reveals another side of David’s life that most did not know.


Hoping to avoid seeing her he winds up taking her to see Riley in the hospital leaving Mac alone in his car dealing with Gnarly who is determined to raid a dumpster in order to find his next snack. Gnarly adds a touch of balance or humor to the tension within many of the scenes and he even gets his shot at a romance too. Riley Adams is a good friend of David O’Callaghan the police chief who will do anything to find out what caused him to become so ill. Nathan and Gisselle Hindman leaped to their deaths when their financial status took a nosedive. There are many players within this intricate plot as we learn more about Riley’s sister, her accident and her history.


Author Lauren Carr has set the stage once again for all of the characters involved to search for clues to find out who is really behind the murders, whether this castle has ghosts and if they can find the original housekeeper to learn more. The Murders at Astaire Castle will keep you awake at night, wondering what really lurks behind those walls and possibly wanting a tour.


When David and Chelsea decide to resume an old friendship and challenge each other to a race, what happens alerts readers that someone is out to make sure that David never finds out who is behind the murders, what Raymond Hollister was about to share and a poor innocent victim caught in the crossfire. With David hanging on for his life, the prime suspect poisoned and another left dead in the parking garage, it’s a wonder that anyone would want to check into this inn without a food taster and bodyguard.


As the truth behind the murders is revealed you won’t believe the deceptions, lies and deceits that come to light. Just who wanted David out of the way and why you won’t believe. Who created an illusion that set off so many murders that no one saw what was happening right in front of them until well you’ll see what I mean when you hear Mac interrogate the killer. One sick person claiming to be insane and a supernatural being that seems to have taken control over the events and the law into its own hands. What really happened to Riley will never really be found out, as sometimes things need to remain the way they are and the end result will rise up and disappear into thin air.

As Gnarly and his girlfriend Molly, alert the humans that someone evil is in the air, they forge an alliance that just might help to save lives. When David and Riley meet something clicks and the end result creates a link to Stan Gould, Raymond Hollister, Lacey, Genie, Damian Wagner’s daughter and you won’t believe whom else.


An interrogation that will give you the chills and an ending that will asks one question: Do you believe in ghosts and the supernatural? Money, greed, power, wealth and control are just some of the reasons why so many were killed and so many hoped to gain what others had. The Murders in the Astaire Castle: Who winds up dead? Who was really burned? Who is left? Would you like a tour or would you rather pass?


This is Mac Faraday at his best and Archie Monday at her most creative. Will he buy her the ring and make a honest woman of her or will he continue to stall? Just what is in store for our detective, editor and research assistant will not be revealed until “ The Lady Who Cried Murder, comes out next year.

Once again author Lauren Carr puts Mac in the line of fire using his investigative skills as a detective, his astute awareness and his ability to assess the evidence along with David, Bogie and one smart officer named Fletcher to bring down a serial killer. Just how he does it you won’t believe but I bet after you read this book and the rest in the series you might want to check into the Spencer Inn, enjoy the pools, spas, restaurants and meet Mac in person.


Gnarly once again proves that canines are smarter than humans. He is quicker that Mac when necessary and that no one should leave a refrigerator unlocked when Gnarly is on the prowl and is hungry. To make sure that he never starves let’s give this book: FIVE GOLDEN POWER BARS FOR THE AUTHOR AND FIVE GOLDEN CHICKEN WINGS FOR GNARLY.


Fran Lewis: Reviewer


About Just Reviews by:gabina49:

author educator book reviewer for authors reading and writing staff developer Book reviewer for manic readers, ijustfinished.com book pleasures and authors upon request blog tours on my blog and interviews with authors I am the author of five published books. I wrote three children's books in my Bertha Series and Two on Alzheimer's. Radio show talk host on Red River Radio/Blog Talk Radio Book Discussion with Fran Lewis the third Wed. of every month at one eastern. I interview 2 authors each month feature their latest releases. I review books for authors upon request and my latest book Sharp As A Tack or Scrambled Eggs Which Describes Your Brain? Is an E book, Kindle and on Xlibris.com Some of the proceeds from this last book will go to fund research in the area of Brain Traumatic Injury in memory of my sister Marcia who died in July.


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