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KIdnapped by the Cartel: My review

Kidnapped by the Cartel:
Karen D. Scioscia

The web of silence can be deafening when no one wants to speak up or help. When a young girl is constantly disappearing and goes on many drunken binges or uses drugs to escape the world, deal with life and just needs it to exist, no one wants to stop up when it appears she just might be missing but this time for real. Amanda calls her parents Diane and Steve to come and rescue her but when they do she decides to run away just one more time. But, this time would be her last, as the end result would create more than just a nightmare for her parents frantically hoping to search and find her but for Amanda too. Going to the police, asking for their help and trying to learn more was futile. A missing persons report and car that was missing did not cause the police to take action. Claiming they could not do anything related to Mexico or even send someone there to help find Amanda Steve and Diane had to hope for the help of Former Seal Mike and hopefully some good friends. As Steve calls his sister Pam for help little does he know that his brother –in-law has called in some heavy hitters to try and help find Amanda? Even a phone call that alerts him to the fact the she is in Mexico does not light any fires in the police department, Kidnapped by the Cartel is based on the true story of the author’s nieces abduction by international drug smugglers. Author Karen D. Scioscia presents a firsthand account of what this young American woman named Amanda endured and hopefully this will deter other young people from falling into the same trap, using drugs as a means of escape and hopefully not running to the backstreets of Tijuana to party and meet the same fate.

Amanda Tate is missing and little is being done to help Steven and Diane. However, enlisting the help of the police and calling hospitals seemed future. With the aid of his business partner Geraldo, Steven explained the call on Amanda’s cell phone from a man with a thick Spanish accent. When recalling her phone the response received was bone chilling as the man that answered claimed Amanda belonged to him. Mexico is definitely not somewhere any young person should go and Tijuana is more than just a den filled with sex traffic, drug lords and organized crime. But Geraldo would not give up and he called in someone else and hopefully all the pieces will come together as his sister will be there for support. Added in Benny her husband hopes to hire an investigator but not until you hear the voice of Amanda before she was taken, the reasons she left, her excuses for taking drugs do you truly understand the depth to which some young people go to defy their parents, party, seek refuse in drugs, escape school and rebel. But, just how did she wind up in Mexico? But, when Diane finally becomes a team player and suggests that they create posters and pin them up in San Diego near the border and in Tijuana does Steven feel that they are finally going to possibly get someone to help or that saw her taken.

Amanda actions are described in vivid detail as she decides to join some young guys in Mexico allowing them to get her high, but what happens next will not only frighten her but maybe the end result will be that she might learn a lesson that she will never forget. When stating that they will take care of her little did she know what these two men meant? But, it gets worse way before it will get better. As Steven puts out the word, Amanda allows someone to take her car, drives away with her car, she is embedded with so many drugs she can hardly function and the end result when she awakens just might enlighten her to the harsh realities of what she is about to endure and what she has basically gotten herself into. With the U.S. State Department warning against non-essential travel along the border of the U.S. and Mexico why would anyone chance it? Why go to violent cities like Ciudad, Juarez and especially Tijuana if you know it is dangerous? Why do these young people get sucked in?

The author explains the hierarchy of the drug cartels and introduces the reader to Carlos a violent and cold hearted and vicious man who will stop at nothing to control his men, his illegal immigrants or pollos as he refers to them and instill fear in everyone he encounters. Cross him and you wind up dead or worse. Family does not matter, loyalty to his own only if you deserve it and the end result you could pay with more than just your life. Added in we learn about a man named Ice who fears him, does what he wants and another who finds out what happens when he follows his own rules. As we learn more about where Steve, Diane and Mike are going to try and locate Amanda we are enlightened to corruption within the police department in Mexico, those that are paid by the drug cartel to look the other way and the terrifying realization that Amanda might not make it home. With aid of a private investigator, posters, money to hopefully get some answers from the locals Steven and Diane Tate need more than just a miracle as the investigator describes the odds and some of the tragic end results. Then, we hear Amanda’s voice, hear her inner most thoughts and visualize and experience the degradation she under goes at the hands of two men who drug her and make sure that she’s so out of it she never realizes until it’s too late what is happening to her. But, the worst has yet to come and why they kidnapped her remains to be revealed as Amanda thinks it has something to do with a family friend’s mother. This is one powerful novel with an ending that will make you wonder just how far two people will go to find their daughter, hopefully bring her home and pray she learns from her mistakes. Take the trip to Tijuana and see the poverty, smell the stench in the streets and enter the Pharmacia’s and learn just how easy it is to get any thing you want in drugs legal, illegal or prescription for the right price.

Hear her screams when they sexually assault her. Listen to her pleads going on deaf ears and understand the fear that she faced every minute. A journey that you would not call a trip caused by drugs but one self inflicted when going in a car with strange men, strung out and wanting to just get high. Had she remained home with her parents maybe then this would not have happened? But, the excitement and rush of it all took over and Amanda never gave it a second thought that someone would want her out of the way, use her for their own purposes and possibly enter her in the world of human sex trafficking or slave trade.
As you get to learn what happened to Amanda you realize the gravity of the situation, the helplessness she feels, her submission to those that force her to do things against her will and the effects of drugs on her mind, body and thoughts. Placed in a locked room, filthy and alone she struggles to find meaning in what happened to her and hope for survival. Two people with this cartel might be her salvation but are they?

There are many voices that are heard within this powerful book as we also hear from Diane’s two brothers who seem to know more about Amanda than they are willing to admit. Added in Dave seems to be self absorbed with his own drug habit, alcohol and he along with his brother Craig enlighten readers about their horrific childhood, their sister’s serious problems and together they blame their parents for their plight. But, no one seems to be dwelling on the real issue and that is Amanda nor do they realize she has just been enlisted as the Mexicans call a “Mule,” to drive a van and carry drugs across the border. If she does not comply the threats seems real not only with her but her family too. With their frustration levels running in overdrive, the oppressive heat and the lack of cooperation and run around from the local police, Steven and Diane are more than just at each other’s throats along with the added help of his sister Pam.

As Amanda makes a silent promise to herself to get clean she hears the voices of those in the cartel telling her what to do and the threats run clear through in her mind. How does she fair and will she succeed in doing what they want or will she somehow be able to send a message to the border guards? Learning what happens and realizing just how corrupt the Mexican government is makes you wonder why anyone would want to go there for any reason. Drug cartels rule, kill, maim and destroy anyone in their path and the end result is usually tragic. When going to find their car they learn it’s gone and no one will help or give them any answers. The sad truth is finding Amanda will take something short of a miracle. But, sometimes help comes from the strangest places and one man named Bulldog just might help pull it all together but first the group of five need to find out if he can be trusted. Where does he know Amanda from and just where does he think she might be?

With faith, hope and the possibility of someone on the inside helping them Steve, Mike and Alberto hoped to rescue Amanda. Just what happens and the dramatic ending you will have to read for yourself. Feel the tension, hear the guns, understand the fear and the final outcome will bring tears to your eyes and hope that if found Amanda will get some help. Author and aunt Karen D. Scioscia brings to light what happens when pain pills are given, a young girl gets hooked and somehow people turn a blind eye and do not see what is right in front of them. For all parents let this be a lesson to everyone to watch what you kids are doing, alert them to dangers of taking vicodin and other pain pills and be aware of the warning and danger signs of someone who takes drugs and alcohol.

Fran Lewis: Reviewer

About Just Reviews by:gabina49:

author educator book reviewer for authors reading and writing staff developer Book reviewer for manic readers, ijustfinished.com book pleasures and authors upon request blog tours on my blog and interviews with authors I am the author of five published books. I wrote three children's books in my Bertha Series and Two on Alzheimer's. Radio show talk host on Red River Radio/Blog Talk Radio Book Discussion with Fran Lewis the third Wed. of every month at one eastern. I interview 2 authors each month feature their latest releases. I review books for authors upon request and my latest book Sharp As A Tack or Scrambled Eggs Which Describes Your Brain? Is an E book, Kindle and on Xlibris.com Some of the proceeds from this last book will go to fund research in the area of Brain Traumatic Injury in memory of my sister Marcia who died in July.


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