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Fire and Vengeance: Robert Mccaw

Fire and Vengeance

Social distancing in education takes the front seat today as students in just about every state are using their laptops if they have one, internet access and other online materials and course work to complete their school year. This novel is powerful as 14 students and 2 teachers were callously murdered and burned to death in a volcanic eruption due to corruption, violations of planning, site oversights, money, greed and misappropriation of funds and more. Building a school or any structure requires that the builder, architect, planning committee, city and state planners and officials and more at least visit and inspect the site for structural issues, construction problems and financial considerations. Who builds a school on top of a volcanic vent and then covers and buries it in concrete? So when the school explodes due to a volcanic eruption when those that survived are finally rescued and the investigation is underway you won’t believe how high up the money trail, graft , deceptions and deceits go in every branch of government, DOE, planning commits and all the way to the two owners who sold this deadly land yo the DOE and the architect and contractor who were sup sequentially murdered to keep them silent.

Chief of Detectives Koa Kane will face the biggest chalking his life as he searches for answers, questions everyone involved in the building of Kona Wili. This parcel of land sold a premium price as the site of this elementary school. Hualalai Hui sold this land the owners being Howard Gommes and Cheryl Makela. Shared ownership 60%and 40%but what about silent partners?

Cheryl Makela. Shared ownership 60%and 40%but what about silent partners?

Things heat up hotter than the volcano when the architect and contractor are killed and what is the significance trail, graft , deceptions and deceits go in every branch of government, DOE, planning commits and all the way to the two owners who sold this deadly land you the DOE and the architect and contractor who were sup sequentially murdered to keep them silent.

Chief of Detectives Koa Kane will face the biggest chalking his life as he searches of the konaWili plans? Unlike Boyle’s place the office of Witherspoon was demolished. Koa is observant and saw that every file was ripped out and dumped on the floor. The more he checked out the carnage the more he thought the thief did not find what he was looking for. What did Witherspoon have hidden?

Meeting with each of the partners , Koa gets a sense of where the power is and how the education system works. The mayor lived high and Koa could not stand being in his presence as his priority was profits and the death of the children and one missing child mattered little. He owned 60 percent and Cheryl Makela the rest. How could they build a school which would endanger students? Some independent firm had randomly selected the fumarole site out of 3500 acres on which to build a school. Gommes had buried the KonaWili school at the most remote point in the subdivision rendering fire and police access difficult. Gommes protested but much too loudly when confronted and claimed he would not but a property if he realized it harbored a volcanic vent.

With the help of Bass, he was able to piece together information because Bass recorded interviews with a camera on his uniform.

Makelas account was different and claimed she did not know about the vent.

His girlfriend Nalani was his stabilizer at times. Added in Koa must deal with a family crisis as his brother collapses in jail and he must find a way to get him released. This leads to uncovering a conspiracy that goes back over 40 years .

There are many players involved and ridding themselves of Koa would make it easier for the perpetrators to succeed. Tim Watanbe was at the heart of this conspiracy as Zeke the county prosecutor he had power and politicians could stonewall Koa. Does he have a stake or an economic interest in the Hualalai development? Denied it. But a picture speaks volumes. And Koa confronts him claiming he wanted Boyle and Witherspoon gone and hired Leffler to do the job. A hit list was formulated who else is on it? There are four players: Boyle, Witherspoon,Gommes and who is the fourth?

When Zeke questions Makela you begin to realize she is hiding information and demands a lawyer, but she is arrested first. Smart prosecutor who does not back down and offers something to Cheryl, but will she take it, and will she talk? Greed, lies, money , power and control as the truth comes to light. Makela copped to bribery involving bagmen for senior county officials and even the governor. Was her word more powerful and crest than Watanbe and Na’auao? As head of the DOE what would Na’auao gain?

A murder covered up and a conspiracy created as the truth about Mary Jane’s death comes out and the cover up is revealed. Who holds the noose around these other necks? A confrontation so explosive and a truth behind the explosion of the school revealed. But Koa still must hope to get his brother paroled promising he would, but will he succeed?

Tossed between his brothers release or the investigation which would he pursue, and would he get fired? Lies, deception and greed as author Robert Mccaw creates an ending you will not expect and a twist that will shock you. When the hit man explodes a harsh truth comes out and now Koa must put it all together before this conspiracy ends. A plot that draws you in and a detective that is relentless as the final scenes how they get the conspirators priceless. But the one person who helped was in danger because the confessions were given and heard but someone was still out there. Who lives, who dies and who will get the wrath of Koa and what about his brother as the volcano we hope will not erupt and the ending will conclude the Fire and Vengeance but how?

Fran Lewis just reviews














About Just Reviews by:gabina49:

author educator book reviewer for authors reading and writing staff developer Book reviewer for manic readers, ijustfinished.com book pleasures and authors upon request blog tours on my blog and interviews with authors I am the author of five published books. I wrote three children's books in my Bertha Series and Two on Alzheimer's. Radio show talk host on Red River Radio/Blog Talk Radio Book Discussion with Fran Lewis the third Wed. of every month at one eastern. I interview 2 authors each month feature their latest releases. I review books for authors upon request and my latest book Sharp As A Tack or Scrambled Eggs Which Describes Your Brain? Is an E book, Kindle and on Xlibris.com Some of the proceeds from this last book will go to fund research in the area of Brain Traumatic Injury in memory of my sister Marcia who died in July.


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